Nafkote Teshome Dinegde
She works as Regional Project Coordinator of Coalition for women's against HIV/AID's. at Southern Regional State of Ethiopia. She is leading the Fight against HIV/AIDS by addressing the gender and gender related issues which fuel the epidemic and work towards the economic and political empowerment of women and Youth. She works to address poverty as both the underlying cause and consequence of HIV/AID's, using women and men , especially Youth community members as inclusive partners to advocate for gender equality, traditional and cultural related causes including the use of Youth summer Camp program in different ways and places. She has worked as a Humanitarian aid worker for the last 6 years and 5 months, specially working with vulnerable groups of society members, like Women's, Children's and Youths. She works with people who are struggling for equality and dignity for women's rights. She volunteers for Youth summer camp project of World Vision Ethiopia, Hawassa Branch and also works with Youth Orphanage center to advocate for Education and Youth human. Hanna Gebrekristos is a Human Rights Activist and Ambassador. She currently volunteers in Ethiopian Young Lawyers Association as a project officer, Gojo Accommodation and Temporary Shelter for patients in need, Care Epilepsy Ethiopia as event organizer and Rotary club of Addis Ababa Arada as PR Director. She holds MA in Global Studies with Special Emphasis on Peace and Security in Africa, 2015 jointly awarded by Addis Ababa University and University of Leipzig. Hanna holds MA in Social Work from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She holds Post graduate certificate in International Trade and Development, from Arusha, Tanzania and BA Degree in Law from Addis Ababa University.