Be a Member
Joining YoHRA is a deliberate intention with an interest in promoting and advocating for Human Rights on the African Continent. Membership of YoHRA is therefore opened to all persons who desire to promote Human Rights on the African Continent. To be a member of YoHRA, you are kindly required to fill a membership form
Be an Ambassador
Human Rights Ambassadors are a crucial Human Resource to YoHRA. To become a Human Rights Ambassador of YoHRA, you must first be a registered card bearing member.
YoHRA Ambassadors are in the forefront of advocating for the observance of Human Rights through Conference Presentations, Community Human Rights Project Support, Education and Awareness creation all over the continent of Africa.
Benefits of Becoming A YoHRA Ambassador
Youth for Human Rights Africa makes available a variety of opportunities and benefits to its Ambassadors.
They include:
- Global Citizenship
A YoHRA Ambassador is a global citizen. A global citizen is someone who identifies with being a part of an emerging world community or set up and whose actions contribute to building values and practices within the community or set up.
YoHRA gives opportunity to Ambassadors to have international connectivity and platform to address Human Rights issues through collaboration with Human Rights institutions and organizations all over the world.
YoHRA Human Rights Ambassadors have the opportunity of undertaking yearly internships in partner institutions in Africa, Europe and USA.
The internship is geared towards exposing Ambassadors to different jurisdictions and how those jurisdictions deal with Human Rights related issues.
Exchange Programmes
YoHRA Human Rights Ambassadors partake in exchange programmes in Africa, Europe and the United States of America. YoHRA will collaborate and partner with Colleges, Universities and other institutions to give exchange programme opportunities to YoHRA Human Rights Ambassadors on the ticket of YoHRA.
Scholarship opportunities
YoHRA will give scholarship to deserving Ambassadors for further studies in the quest to building the capacity of brilliant but needy Ambassadors.
International Human Rights Summits
YoHRA Ambassadors will have some privileges in attending International Human Rights Summits within Africa and outside of Africa. These summits will create opportunity for Ambassadors to network with Ambassadors all over the world and enhance their capacity as well.