The idea of Youth for Human Rights Africa, YoHRA was mooted by Sir Victor Akuchie during the 13th Annual International Human Rights Summit, at the United Nations Headquarters, New York.
The first meeting of YoHRA was held on 26th August, 2016, where 13 African representatives from 5 African Countries namely Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, Ethiopia and Liberia were present and became founding members of YoHRA. Francis - Xavier Sosu, a Human Rights activist and Lawyer from Ghana was appointed Acting President and was tasked to explore the possibility of establishing the project in Africa starting from Ghana.
Over the last one year YoHRA has been established and fully registered in Africa, with its Headquarters situated in Ghana and Francis-Xavier Sosu as the current President.
The project is currently putting the basic structures in place including Registration, Office, Accounts, Human Resource which includes Volunteers and Human Rights Ambassadors to promote all the Human Rights instruments in Africa.